Different Platform, Different Way To Tell A Story 9:24 AM Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of Vayner Media , has great insights on digital marketing. I've listened to a lot of his stuff and I've fe...
Billboard vs Smartphone — the Dilemma of OOH 7:56 AM Being stuck in traffic reminded me of one of Gary Vaynerchuk's (founder of VaynerMedia ) lectures that I was watching a few weeks ago. ...
Relationship Building and Influencer Marketing 12:19 AM I previously posted another video of Gary Vaynerchuk in my post about the ROI of social media where he gave very interesting insights into ...
Reality Is Our Sandbox — The Principles of Gamification All Around Us 6:48 AM Gamification, simply put, is the use of game mechanics and principles in non-game contexts to engage a certain target market. It's had s...
Is There An App For that? 1:43 AM "Signs you work in digital marketing: You ALWAYS wonder if there's an app for that," tweets Adobe Marketing Cloud , Adobe...
Philosophy of Language and Social Listening 9:25 PM Several weeks ago, I was with the managing director of Mobaxis , a company in Thailand that provides some of the newest digital solutions to...
Coca-Cola Brings Spotify to the Philippines 10:20 AM I just found out that the VPN I use is no longer free. This was what I used to to get access to the awesome music streaming service Spotify....