E-book on Blogging Improvement

I'm forcing myself to produce content and just write for the sake of writing and having backlinks. I actually downloaded a bunch of e-books and I was thinking it would be a nice idea to share one of those which is "31 Days to Build a Better Blog" by Darren Rowse. I do have a great incentive to always improve and learn new things about blogging. 
Blogging Ebook

It does seem like more of a start-up guide to successful blogging but it would surely be a nice way of improving and getting new ideas as well especially when it comes to creating, organizing, and marketing one's content.

Aside from that, I also downloaded a bunch on SEO (search engine optimization) and Wordpress CMS tutorials and guides. 

The internet really does make ignorance inexcusable. After reading all the e-books I downloaded, I'll surely write about the stuff I learned here so watch out for that. I will also most likely be applying them to new projects I have in mind and as always most of the progress will be documented here.

On a different note, I actually spent a great deal of my day learning a lot about the Iran/Israel conflict and I'm planning to write about that real soon over at HarryLeaks. Also, you can expect a bunch of my reactions/reviews to TV shows and films I've been watching lately. Be sure to follow me on Twitter: @harryinitiative to get updated on my latest blog posts. 

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