How Much Can You Earn By Writing in HubPages?

Did you know that you can earn up to three thousand dollars a month just by writing on HubPages?

Let's take Mary Audet as an example, a stay-at-home mother who is earning an average of 3,000 dollars a month just by writing on HubPages. Here's her stats:
mary audet hubpages
Stats of Mary Audet from HubPages

As you can see she is getting up to around 14,000 views a day! Also, she writes frequently and her articles are very informative and focused on quality and at the same time optimized for the search engines. To see more individuals like her who are earning a lot through HubPages just check out the HubPages Success Stories Page.

Now let's compare her stats to mine. Of course mine is still very far from her stats and I really have to work more in order to achieve the same kind of results. Here are mine:

harry santos hubpages
Stats of My HubPages

As you can see I'm currently averaging around 1,500 to 1,800 views a day (this is for HubPages only and does not include the views in my blogs here in Blogger). That's currently an average of around 35 to 40,000 views a month. It actually got decreased significantly after the whole Google Panda fiasco and many of my articles got knocked off their rankings and it's much harder for me to rank now but surely I'm taking slow steps into going back to that kind of traffic again.

Remember that I am using my Google Ads alone on my HubPages and here in Blogger. There's still the HubPages Ad Program, Amazon, Ebay, and many others that I have possibility of earning from.

I'm still very far from getting more earnings than those in the success stories page and so I really have to work harder and multiply my efforts.

What are you waiting for? Apply now and start making money just by writing articles online!

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